My download finished, but I can’t find it.

Problem: My download finished, but I can’t find it.

Solution: Check the default save locations. You can find your browser's default save locations by checking the settings:


  1. Select “Tools”, then “Options” from the menu at the top of the browser.
  2. Under the “General” tab, look at the "Save files to" option in the Downloads section.

Internet Explorer:

  1. Select “Tools”, then “Options” from the menu at the top of the browser.
  2. Under the “General” tab, look at the "Save files to" option in the Downloads section.


  1. Select the icon that looks like a gear at the top right-hand part of the browser menu bar.
  2. Select “Preferences.”
  3. Under the “General” tab, look at the "Save downloaded files to" option. Or, browse to your default music folder (default location is "Downloads" in your "My Music" folder in "My Documents") and double-click the song when you find it.
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